Tag Archives: skyscraper

An Invisible Crown Tops the New Hearst Tower

hearst tower1The Hearst Tower marks a fresh start for building and for New York City.  Its ambition has many layers, all of which are healthy, deep seated, and admirable.  The new structure is located on the west side of Eighth Avenue near 57th Street and rises 44 stories above an original, 1928 building at its base.  The tower was completed in 2006 and was the first skyscraper to sprout in New York after 9-11 as well as the first to earn the distinction of LEED Gold Certification by the standards of the U.S. Green Building Council.  Carefully considered, the Hearst Tower is a stirring symbol of resurgence, the pursuit of excellence, and social progress through innovation.  It is an unqualified success and is the work of Pritzker Prize-winning architect Norman Foster. Continue reading